隈研吾展『新しい公共性をつくるためのネコの5原則』開催 参加のお知らせ

2021 06 04

隈研吾展 『新しい公共性をつくるためのネコの5原則』 昨年11月高知県立美術館に続き、本年1月長崎県美術館へも巡回し、6月18日より東京国立近代美術館にて展示開催。隈研吾氏自身が選ばれた公共性が高い建築68件を、「孔」「粒子」「斜め」「やわらかい」「時間」という5原則に分類され展示。瀧本は環境や文化に溶け込むように設計された建築の数々の中で、高知県梼原町に存在する6つの建築群を撮影した映像作品を出品。静謐な建物が現地の風の音、鳥の声も含めた一体感を奏でる時間を演出。日時: 2021年6月18日(金)〜9月26日(日)休日:月曜日(7月26日、8 月2日、9日、30日、9月20日は開館)、 8月10日(火)、9月21日(火)開館 開場時間:10:00-17:00(金・土曜は10:00-21:00)*入館は閉館30分前まで 会場: 東京国立近代美術館 東京都千代田区北の丸公園3-1
Kuma Kengo Exhibition – Five PURR-FECT POINTS FOR A NEW PUBLIC SPACE After showing at The Museum of Art, Kochi from November last year, the exhibition showed at the Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum up to March and opens at The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo on June 18. The exhibition features 68 works of architecture selected by Kuma Kengo for their strong public impact and are categorized under the five principles "hole," "particles," "soft," "oblique," and "time." Of Kuma Kengo’s many architectural works designed to meld into the surroundings and the local culture, Mikiya is exhibiting his video work on a group of six architectural works standing in Yusuhara town, Kochi Prefecture. Kuma Kengo’s tranquil buildings render moments in time that produce a sense of unity with the space, including the sounds of the breeze and the bird song in those places. Dates: June 18 (Fri) – September 26 (Sun), 2021 Closed: Mondays (but open on July 26; August 2, 9, and 30; and September 20), August 10 (Tue), September 21 (Tue) Hours: 10:00–17:00 (10:00–21:00 on Fridays and Saturdays) *Last admission 30-minutes before closing. Venue: The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 3-1 Kitanomaru Koen, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.