サントリー天然水 サイネージ広告が公開。

2022 08 03

The Suntory Tennensui digital signage ad has been launched in the Shinjuku Station East-West Passage. It makes maximum use of this signage medium to project a visual display with 38 different images in all that change every 3 seconds. Photos comprise most of the display, which also includes some video from the commercials, each of the many photos and videos tugging at viewers’ heartstrings one by one. At the peak of the hot summer season, this display greets the people moving through the station with a cooling sensation.

積水ハウス 新CM放映開始

2022 08 03

We filmed the Sekisui House “Shiawase-tte” (“What is Happiness?”) commercial. The universe portrayed by the familiar Sekisui House song, feelings around home, the forms happiness takes... Amid the various circumstances of daily life, maybe following the road home can be a happy moment. Sakura Ando’s gentle expressions present images that come across as proof of happiness. Please take a look.


2022 07 04

『VOGUE JAPAN』2022年8月号 撮影をしました。監督・撮影・アートディレクターを1人でやる難しさもあり、表現をまとめあげる面白さもあります。宮沢りえさんとダンサーの三東瑠璃さん、お二人の表現者が交錯する場に流れる独特な"気"が、マジックタイムの短い時間の中でギュッと凝縮されていくような感覚になります。トモ コイズミの小泉智貴さんの作られた衣装が宮沢さんの強さや優しさを表現しているように感じられます。ルドヴィコ・エイナウディの曲が、宮沢さんx三東さんが作り上げるVOGUEの世界へ誘います。是非没入感を体感してください。
I shot a video for VOGUE. This video presented the difficulties of solo direction, filming, and art direction, as well as the enjoyment of composing the visual expression. An inimitable “energy” fills the space where the expressiveness of the two performers, Rie Miyazawa and dancer Ruri Mito, intermingles, which gives the sense of being tightly condensed into a short, golden hour. The outfit designed by Tomo Koizumi feels as though it expresses Miyazawa’s strength and kindness. Ludovico Einaudi’s music invites you into this VOGUE universe created by Miyazawa and Mito. I hope you watch it for the sense of immersion.

黒ラベル 新CMが放映開始

2022 06 29

サッポロ 黒ラベルを飲みながら、妻夫木さんと様々な方とのトークが繰り広げられる大人エレベーターシリーズの最新作を撮影しました。妻夫木聡さんと今回はYUKIさんのトークになります。お二人の軽快なトークをお楽しみください。
We filmed the latest commercial in the “Otona Elevator” series featuring Satoshi Tsumabuki interviewing various people as they enjoy a Sapporo Black Label beer. This time Tsumabuki chats with (singer) YUKI. I hope you enjoy their lighthearted chat.

Miss Bean #私が撮りたかった女優展 Vol.4 に参加

2022 06 16

弊社マネージメントのMiss Beanが、『#私が撮りたかった女優展 Vol.4』のグループ展に参加します。5名のフォトグラファーが5名の女優さんをこの展示のためだけに撮り下ろした写真展。Miss Beanは念願だった三吉彩花さんを日本にて撮影しました。テーマは「A Room of One’s Own」 三吉さんの様々な表情を、Miss Bean独自の視点で切り取り作品へと導いております。日本での展示は初めてとなります。是非この機会にご覧ください。 2022年8月11日(木)〜 17日(水)OMOTESANDO MUSEUM.  東京都港区南青山3丁目18-19フェスタ表参道ビル新館2階 10:00〜20:00(初日はイベントのため18:00迄) 会期中無休 入場料800円
Miss Bean, from Mikiya Takimoto Photograph Office, is exhibiting in a group exhibition, “#Watashi ga Toritakkata Joyu Ten Vol. 4” (“#An Actress I Have Wanted to Photograph Exhibition Vol. 4”). It features photos of 5 actresses shot just for this exhibition by 5 photographers. Miss Bean photographed the actress she had hoped for, Ayaka Miyoshi, in Japan. Under the theme “A Room of One’s Own,” she develops Miyoshi’s varied expressions into cut-out works from her unique perspective. This is the first time it is being exhibited in Japan. I really hope you take this opportunity and go and see it. August 11, 2022 (Thu) to 17 (Wed) OMOTESANDO MUSEUM. 2F Shinkan, Festae Omotesando Building, 3-18-19 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo. 10:00-20:00 (Closes 18:00 on August 11 for event). Open throughout the season. Entry: 800 yen