リリー・フランキーさんと深津絵里さん出演の「ここで一緒に」シリーズ、最新作です。夫に気を使わせないように振る舞う妻と、不器用ながらも妻を気遣う夫。今回はそんなふたりがかわいい子猫を通じ、物語が進んでいきます。Release of the new CM series "Koko de, Issho ni" for Daiwa House. The latest installment of the "Koko de, Issho ni" series starring Lily Franky and Eri Fukatsu. A wife who tries to make sure her husband doesn't worry about her, and an awkward husband who can't help but worry about his wife. This time around the couple spin a new tale about a cute kitten.