写真集「Mikiya Takimoto Works 1998-2023」刊行

2024 02 27

写真集「Mikiya Takimoto Works 1998-2023」発売。25年にわたる広告写真とCMをまとめた写真集を刊行。独立した初期の思い出深い作品から近年の作品まで、広告写真を約120作品、CMを約70作品、600ページというボリュームになりました。膨大な仕事の中から1割程度を瀧本自身がセレクト。載せきれないほどの作品は、一つ一つが大事な作品でもあり、瀧本の軌跡でもあります。20代から様々な仕事で共に歩んできた佐野研二郎さん(アートディレクター)との対談も掲載されます。「Mikiya Takimoto Works 1998-2023」アートディレクション:矢後直規 デザイン:上村知世 テキスト:山田泰巨 編集:新庄清二 青幻舎より発行 価格 9,000+税
The photographic collection, Mikiya Takimoto Works 1998-2023, is now available. This publication brings together a collection of advertising photos and commercials from the last 25 years. It’s a 600-page volume with about 70 commercial works and 120 advertising photography works, from images filled with memories of his early days as an independent photographer to his more recent works. Takimoto himself selected about one tenth of the works from his very extensive portfolio. There are so many works they couldn’t fit into the collection, but each one is important and also traces his trajectory as a photographer. The book includes a conversation with Art Director, Kenjiro Sano, who has been there with Takimoto working on various projects since his 20s. Mikiya Takimoto Works 1998-2023 Art Direction: Naonori Yago. Design: Tomoyo Uemura. Text: Yoshinao Yamada. Editing: Seiji Shinjo. Published by Seigensha. Price: ¥9,000 + Tax
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