マクドナルド 新CM放映開始

2024 03 14

マクドナルド 家族といっしょに。「ちがう街、おなじ味」篇 撮影しました。地元を離れ上京し慣れない街で戸惑う主人公 を野内まるさん、娘を送り出した父親役を飯尾和樹さん。不安な時に地元とおなじ味を感じることでホッとできるのは、五感に染み込んでいるから。マクドナルドでの食事が様々な時間を思い出させてくれるシーンは暖かく、じんわりと染み渡る映像になっています。新しい生活が始まる季節、どうぞご覧ください。
McDonald’s Kazoku to Issho-ni (“Together with the Family”). I filmed the Chigau Machi, Onaji Aji (“Different Place, Same Taste”) episode. Maru Nouchi plays the lead, bewildered in an unfamiliar place after leaving her hometown for Tokyo, and Kazuki Iio plays the father who has sent his daughter off. When you are unsure of things, you can find relief in tasting the same flavors in food as you do back home, because they permeate your five senses. It’s a scene where a meal at McDonald’s reminds you of various occasions, a heartwarming scene with images that bit by bit get inside you. In this season of new turns in life, please take a look.
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