サントリーオランジーナの続編は、ブラッドオランジーナ味の「シチリアの男篇」です。とある港街でGENが見つけた「TORA」と呼ばれる赤いジャケットの男。尾行してみると、その男はたくさんの美女たちから声をかけられハグをされる人気者。果たして男の正体はあのTORAなのか?A new Suntory Orangina CM has been released. The next in the Orangina series is "The Sicilian man" episode for the new blood orange flavor. Gen finds a man dressed in red named "Tora" in a port town. As Gen tails him, he finds that Tora is quite popular as he is showered with hugs by beautiful women. Could he really be the same Tora we're thinking of?