photography & us #002 写真展に参加

2021 10 18

2021年10月22日(金)より11月28日(日)までOFS gallery(白金)にて開催されます。「photography & us #002」写真展に市橋織江さん、藤井保さん、藤田一浩さんと共に参加します。キギ植原さん渡邉さんからお声がけいただいた今回の展示は、キギ=木々?!にちなんだLOUIS VUITTON FORESTシリーズから10点を展示。コロナ禍の今、ウイルスも地球に存在する一部であり、自然と共に生きること・共存することを求められているようにも感じられます。その中で大自然を身近に感じ癒される時間となれたらという願いもあります。「photography & us #002」 参加作家:市橋織江 藤井保 藤田一浩 瀧本幹也 2021年10月22日(金)〜11月28日(日) OFS gallery(OUR FAVOURITE SHOP内) 東京都港区白金5-12-21 Open: 木〜日 12:00〜19:00(※最終日は17:00まで)
This exhibition is showing from October 22 (Fri) to November 28 (Sun), 2021 at OFS Gallery (Shirokane). Mikiya Takimoto is exhibiting in “photography & us #002” together with Orie Ichihashi, Tamotsu Fujii, and Kazuhiro Fujita. Ryosuke Uehara and Yoshie Watanabe from Kigi (the company behind OFS) invited us to be part of this exhibition, with 10 works from my LOUIS VUITTON FOREST series, which maybe I chose because of the link to their name (lol). (“Kigi” meaning “trees” in Japanese). Now, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, the virus is a part of life on earth, and it seems as though we are being made to live together with nature, to coexist with it. It is also my hope that this prompts us to spend time where we can feel to nature up close, and be healed by it. “photography & us #002” Exhibitors: Orie Ichihashi, Tamotsu Fujii, Kazuhiro Fujita, and Mikiya Takimoto. October 22 (Fri) to November 28 (Sun), 2021. OFS Gallery (inside OUR FAVOURITE SHOP) 5-12-21 Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Open: Thu to Sun, 12:00 to 19:00 (Closes 17:00 on last day.)
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