ポカリスエット グラフィック撮影、新CM放映開始

2023 04 18

ポカリスエット グラフィック撮影と、新CM「青が舞う篇」撮影しました。椿さんと池端杏慈さん、10代の学生の等身大の姿を、ポカリスエットの爽やかでパワフルな世界観、また体の中から潤っていく見せ方を、青が舞う紙吹雪や光のフレアで視覚的に見せることでよりわかりやすく表現し、また目の錯覚のような違和感を残す工夫をしました。飛内将大さん作詞作曲の主題歌「青が舞う」を歌う北谷琉喜さんも10代。内部から発光するような10代のエネルギッシュなパワーと周囲も巻き込むような力を感じる映像となりました。映像の世界観と同様、写真からもエネルギーを感じられるビジュアルと、ポカリスエットのブルーが活かされた1枚1枚の不思議な世界観をどうぞご覧ください。
Takimoto has shot the new Pocari Sweat graphics and commercial episode “Ao ga Mau” (“Fluttering Blue”). He makes the message readily comprehensible by showing in very visual terms—light flares and the Ao-ga-Mau fluttering blue confetti—Tsubaki and Anji Ikehata, the picture of real, life-sized teenage students, this refreshing and intense Pocari Sweat universe, portraying the hydration coming from inside their bodies. He also designs it to leave a sense of things being out of place, like an optical illusion. Ryuki Kitadani sings Ao ga Mau, the theme song composed and written by Masahiro Tobinai. Both are also teenagers. The video gives you a sense of the energy-packed teenage intensity that seems to shine out from inside them and a strength that appears to swallow up their surroundings. Please take a look at the amazing universe presented in each single still image, images that feature the Pocari Sweat blue, and the visuals in the form of still photos that give you a sense of energy, like the universe presented in the video.