気仙沼漁師カレンダー2024 発行

2023 10 25

2021年の東日本大震災から、気仙沼の漁師を応援し、広くそのかっこよさを伝えるために制作が始まった気仙沼漁師カレンダー。第一回は師匠の藤井保さん。10作目の最終章に気仙沼を撮影する機会をいただき、夏と冬の2回気仙沼の漁師の方たちと魚船を撮影しました。土地に生き、土地や海を愛する人々の想いが染み込むように伝わってきます。プロデュース:竹内順平 編集・文:唐澤和也 デザイン:鈴木歩
The Kesennuma Fisherman Calendar has been produced to show everyone far and wide what striking figures the fishermen of Kesennuma make, to support them in the aftermath of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. The first calendar was by Tamotsu Fujii, my teacher. I was given the opportunity to photograph Kesennuma for the 10th and final calendar and took photos of Kesennuma fishermen and their families with their fishing boats on 2 occasions, in summer and in winter. Permeating the photos you can feel the spirit of these people, who live on the land and love both the land and the sea. Production: Jumpei Takeuchi; Editing & Text: Kazuya Karasawa; Design: Ayumi Suzuki