大切な家族を失った時、残された家族を支えるには何が必要になってくるのか。日々の生活に終わりはなく、続いていく毎日をつつがなく過ごしている日常をえがきました。ふたり息子の兄が手伝う米穀店が舞台の家族の1日です。交わされる会話にも日々の生活が垣間みられる内容となっております。マルチカメラで撮影されリアルな日常を描く工夫をしています。What is needed to support the bereaved when they lose a beloved family member ? Daily life must go on, so this is a depiction of the passage of those days that carry on even after a loss. In this particular commercial we take a look at a day in the life of a family as an older brother helps out at the rice store. The conversations give a glimpse into the day-to-day of a family undergoing these circumstances. Multiple cameras were used to create as realistic a depiction of daily life as possible.