2018 05 15

GREEN JUKEBOX 雨篇 撮影しました。気持ちのいい青空とグリーンにつつまれるハワイオアフ島の清々しい草原にいる多部未華子さん。JUKEBOXから流れる音楽がいつの間にかSEKAI NO OWARI Fukaseさんの奏でるギターの音に。空のブルーと大地のグリーンがどこまでも続いていく、爽快感と瑞々しさに包まれる、爽やかな映像をご覧ください。
Takimoto filmed the GREEN JUKEBOX Rain ad. Mikako Tabe is in a fresh-looking meadow on O’ahu, Hawaii, surrounded by green, under a pleasant blue sky. Before you know it, the music from the jukebox turns to the sound of a guitar played by Satoshi Fukase from SEKAI NO OWARI. Soak up these clear and fresh images, swimming in a sense of invigoration and fresh youthfulness, the blue of the sky and the green of the earth stretching out into the distance.