デザインノート 「写真と動画。」12Pにわたり掲載されました

2016 04 15

デザインノート最新号(No.66)にて、写真と映像における関係を、「世界卓球」「ラフォーレ」などの広告写真や、「ダイワハウス ここで一緒に篇」などのTV-CF、映画「海街diary」を例にお話しさせていただきました。また水口克夫さんのページでは、大河ドラマ「真田丸」のメインポスターのメイキング風景も紹介されています。新しくAR機能でCMや動画がお楽しみ頂けるようになりました。ぜひお手にとってご覧ください。 デザインノートNo.66 「写真と動画」 誠文堂新光社  定価 本体 1,600円+税   ISBN 978-4416516713  発売日 2016年 3月26日
Mikiya Takimoto featured on 12 pages in Design Note's "Photography and Video" issue. "Mikiya Takimoto appeared in the latest issue of Designer Note (No. 66) to speak about the connection between photography and film using his experiences doing commercial photography for World Table Tennis Championships and Laforet, as well as his "Daiwa House - Koko de, Issho ni"TV commercials and the film "Our Little Sister". Katsuo Mizuguchi's page also featured behind-the-scenes shots from the making of the main poster for the taiga drama series "Sanada Maru." Design Note No. 66 (Seibundo Shinkosha) "Photography and Video" Price : 1,600 yen + tax ISBN: 978-441651673

オランジーナの続篇 新CMが放映開始

2016 04 01

A new Suntory Orangina CM has been released. The next in the Orangina series is "The Sicilian man" episode for the new blood orange flavor. Gen finds a man dressed in red named "Tora" in a port town. As Gen tails him, he finds that Tora is quite popular as he is showered with hugs by beautiful women. Could he really be the same Tora we're thinking of?

是枝裕和監督とCMで初タッグ 金鳥「虫コナーズ」放映開始

2016 04 01

Release of the CM for Kincho "Mushikona-zu", Mikiya Takimoto's first team-up with director Hirokazu Kore-eda. The new CMs for Kincho Mushikona-zu "Hazushitemitara" and "Funbarute" were released. This is Takimoto's first time working on the Kincho series, and also his first time working on a CM with director Hirokazu Kore-eda. The light-hearted banter on a old-style porch hearkens back to "Our Little Sister" and is sure to make you chuckle!

JR東日本「北海道新幹線」 新CMが放映開始

2016 03 26

ついに新青森から新函館北斗まで新幹線が開業しました。北海道新幹線開業「ダンス少年 ホント!?篇」「ダンス少年 来るぞ!!篇」のCMが公開されました。自分の街にも憧れの新幹線が遂に来る!その気持ちをダンスで表現し、喜びに盛り上がる開業への期待感高まる作品になりました。
New CM for JR East Japan's Hokkaido Shinkansen. The new shinkansen running from Shin-Aomori to Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto is open! Two CMs were released to commemorate the launch of the Hokkaido Shinkansen: "Dance Shonen Honto!?" and "Dance Shonen Kuru zo!!" Both depict a boy who dances to express his excitement for the shinkansen he loves so much coming to his hometown.

海街diaryで日本アカデミー賞 最優秀撮影賞を受賞

2016 03 04

映画「海街diary」是枝裕和監督作品が、第39回 日本アカデミー賞にて最優秀作品賞をはじめ、最優秀監督賞、最優秀照明賞、瀧本幹也は最優秀撮影賞をいただく事が出来ました。今回の日本アカデミー賞では最多4部門での最優秀賞と8部門での優秀賞を獲得し最多受賞となりました。
"Our Little Sister / Umimachi Diary" win the grand prize for cinematography at the Japan Academy Awards. The film received the grand prize, along with the awards for best director and best lighting, with Mikiya Takimoto receiving the award for best cinematography. Ultimately the film won top honors in four categories at the Japan Academy Awards, along with awards for excellence in 8 categories.