三井住友カード 新CM放映開始

2022 12 20

We filmed a new episode in the Sumitomo Mitsui Card “Family Point” series of commercials. A mother has remarried, creating a new family: Satoshi Iizuka from [comedy trio] Tokyo 03 (father), Kyoka Suzuki (mother), Ayami Nakajo (elder daughter), Kotone Furukawa (younger daughter), and Kanata Hosoda (son). The 5 family members encounter various Family Point situations, this time, at a convenience store. Please take a look.

Prix Pictet Japan Award『Fire & Water』展に参加。

2022 12 05

2015年に設立されたプリピクテジャパンアワード。今回は3回目となり「火と水」をテーマに、新井卓、岩根愛、岡田将、 瀧本幹也、千賀健史、長沢慎一郎、中井菜央、水谷吉法の8名による展示。2022年12月17日(土)〜2023年1月22日(日)毎週月曜日休館(月曜日が祝休日の場合は開館し、翌平日休館)、年末年始(12/29-1/1、1/4) ※12/28、1/2、1/3は臨時開館 東京都写真美術館 東京都目黒区三田1-13-3 恵比寿ガーデンプレイス内 10:00−18:00
The Prix Pictet Japan Award, inaugurated in 2015. Eight photographers, Takashi Arai, Ai Iwane, Susumu Okada, Mikiya Takimoto, Kenji Chiga, Shinichiro Nagasawa, Nao Nakai, and Yoshinori Mizutani are exhibiting on the theme Fire and Water in the current 3rd cycle. Dec 17, 2022 (Sat) to Jan 22, 2023 (Sun). Closed Mon (or the next week day if Mon is a public holiday) and year end/New Year (12/29–1/1, and 1/4). Special open days: 12/28, 1/2, and 1/3. Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Yebisu Garden Place, 1-13-3 Mita, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 10:00-18:00

カロリーメイト 撮影しました。

2022 11 29

If you imagined a Calorie Mate line of view... Couldn’t that be a line of view where you’re warm-heartedly watching over and supporting a student studying hard for his exams? This Calorie Mate line of view gives the sense of him being linked with his parents, teachers, and friends as well. He isn’t battling away by himself, there are people supporting him in places he doesn’t see. We’ve made images that help realize those joyful imaginings.

三井住友銀行 新CM放映開始

2022 11 16

三井住友銀行 企業広告 「カラフルな人びと。山中翼篇」、「カラフルな人びと。広田千草」篇 撮影しました。銀行で働く人の中には、人と人を繋ぐ、関係性を構築するという目に見えない形での役割を担っている方たちもいます。人と人との繋がりは最初からうまくいくとは限らないですが、話しを聞き相手の事を様々な条件や内容から導き出した前向きな考えは関係構築の一助になり得る・・・そこに悩み考えながら取り組む銀行員の姿を岡崎体育さん、三浦透子さんにより表現されています。
We filmed the Tsubasa Yamanaka and Chigusa Hirota episodes of corporate commercials for Sumitomo Mitsui Bank. Some of the people who work in banks bring people together, fulfilling a behind-the-scenes role of relationship builder. There is no guarantee that connections between people will go smoothly from the start, but positive ideas derived from listening to the other person and the various circumstances and facts about them can be a help in relationship building... Taiiku Okazaki and Toko Miura characterize bank clerks grappling with that task, concerned, intent.

パリで『En Sô Shin CHAOS 2022 chapitre 3』開催のお知らせ

2022 10 27

PARIS PHOTO 2022の期間に合わせ、パリのOGATA Parisにて、11月9日(水)から11月13日(日)までティザー展示を開催。2022年に京都・奈良・伊勢・北海道での撮影を重ね、一滴のしずくが小さな波紋を起こし、やがて大海へと広がっていく大自然の循環を円相図に見立てて表現し、150年の歴史がある京都 開化堂の協力を得て、茶筒をモチーフに円相筒の作品が出来上がりました。今までにない作品に仕上がっています。また円相筒と同じ空間に、水という物質の現象を捉えたSURFACE作品を展示します。2022年11月9日(水)〜11月13日(日)*11月11日(金)休廊 OGATA Paris Adress 16, rue Debelleyme 75003 Paris - FRANCE 11:00−19:00
I am holding a teaser exhibition from November 9 (Wed) to 13 (Sun) at OGATA Paris (in Paris), coinciding with the PARIS PHOTO 2022 showing. I recently completed works called “enso-tsutsu” created with the assistance of Kaikado of Kyoto (tea canister makers) and their 150-year years of experience. Overlapping shoots in Kyoto, Nara, Ise, and Hokkaido in 2022 and resembling enso-zu (that calligraphic work where a single brush stroke describes a perfect circle, representing perfect peace of mind in Zen Buddhism), these works reflect the form of a traditional tea canister, and represent the cycles of nature, a single drop creating little ripples, eventually spreading out to the ocean. They have turned out to be works like nothing else I have done. Exhibited in the same space as the enso-tsutsu will be a work from SURFACE, an exhibition that captures phenomena featuring the substance water. 11:00−19:00, November 9 (Wed) to 13 (Sun), 2022 (except Fri November 11). OGATA Paris: 16 rue Debelleyme, 75003, Paris, France.