三井住友銀行 新CM放映開始

2023 10 20

三井住友銀行 企業広告 「カラフルな人びと。白井櫻篇」撮影しました。銀行で働く人のお客様目線で考え解決策を見出していく仕事の進め方や人物像を岸井ゆきのさんが表現。フラワーカンパニーズ「深夜高速」の英語版を岸井さん自身が歌唱しています。どうぞご覧ください。
We shot the “Colorful People: Sakura Shirai episode” in this Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation advertising series. Yukino Kishii depicts the character of a person working at the bank and how that worker pursues the task of finding a solution for a customer by taking their point of view. Kishii herself sings the English version of “Shinya Kosoku” (“Midnight Highway”) by Flower Companyz. Please take a look.

パリで『CHAOS』2023 開催のお知らせ

2023 10 16

PARIS PHOTO 2023の期間に合わせ、パリのOGATA Parisにて、11月8日(水)から11月26日(日)まで個展を開催いたします。会場のOGATA Parisでは館全体を展示スペースとし、五感を研ぎ澄まして感じていただける展示となります。 古より連綿と流れてきた悠久の時のなかで、自然も人もすべての生命は満ちて融け合い、 循環することでこの世界は紡がれてきました 。ひとつの生命体と しての地球の息吹を、全身で感じ取るようにフィルムに焼き付けてきた写真家・瀧本幹也 。地球の原初の姿を求めて世界の果てを旅してきた氏が、コロナを機に向き合ったのは、身近なところに存在する“小宇宙”でした。その眼差しはマクロからミクロへ ─ ─ 、目を凝らせば小さな世界にも宇宙のような無限 の広がりがあり、観る者の心の深淵へと迫ります。本展では、海面に揺らぐ光の粒を採集し移りゆく海の表情を捉えた「GRAIN OF LIGHT」、火山や海、雪 山など静謐かつ雄大な地球の姿に迫った「FLAME / SURFACE」「SNOW MOUNTAIN」シリーズのほか、最新作の花や寺の池など密やかな祈りの情景を写 しとった「円・相・心」より厳選した16点を展覧いたします。万物はそれぞれの中に宇宙を抱き、あらゆる生命は巡り、つながり合う ─ ─ 。観る者の生に呼応し、心を静かに引き寄せる瀧本氏の作品群を是非ともこの機にご高覧ください。テキスト:北坊あいり  2023年11月8日(水)〜11月26日(日)OGATA Paris Adress 16, rue Debelleyme 75003 Paris - FRANCE 11:00−20:00
I am holding a solo exhibition from November 8 (Wed) to 26 (Sun) at OGATA Paris (in Paris), to coincide with the PARIS PHOTO 2023 showing. The entire space at OGATA Paris is being turned over to the exhibition, making it an exhibit that sharpens the five senses.  Since ancient times, the world has been shaped by the abundance, fusion and circulation of all life, natural and human, in the uninterrupted flow of time. As a photographer, Mikiya Takimoto has endeavored to capture the essence and breath of the Earth as a single living organism. He has traveled to the farthest reaches of the planet in search of this purest form of our world. During the pandemic, he came face to face with the microcosms that make up our immediate environment. His gaze, from predominantly macroscopic, shifted to the infinitely small. On closer inspection, the smallest of worlds resembles the immensity of the universe in its infinite expanse, which also echoes the depths of the mind. In addition to the "GRAIN OF LIGHT", "FLAME", "SURFACE" and "SNOW MOUNTAIN" series, which respectively capture the changing faces of the sea and depict the serene majesty of elements such as volcanoes, snow-covered or sandy mountains, discover at this exhibition his latest series "EN SO SHIN", which focuses on floral compositions, a temple facing a pond and other scenes of secret prayer. Everything contains a piece of the universe within it, and all life evolves, connected to and surrounded by others. Please discover the link that Mikiya Takimoto illuminates between his works and the universe. text:Airi Kitabo  November 8 (Wed) to 26 (Sun), 2023. OGATA Paris: 16 rue Debelleyme, 75003 Paris, France. 11: 00-20: 00

七條甘春堂 季節の和菓子の撮影を担当

2023 10 13

I have been creating product visuals for Shichijo Kanshundo, a traditional confectioner based in Kyoto, throughout each year since July 2021. Each and every sweet reveals the freshness and gorgeousness of these freshly made wagashi, or traditional Japanese confections, as well as the spirit of the maker, made manifest by the very act of creating them by hand. There is a fascinating appeal in these Japanese confections which tell us through all five senses that there are four seasons in Japan. Each sweet delights with its delicious moistness, visual enjoyment, soul-soothing fragrance, the sound it makes when you bite into it, and the texture you feel with your fingers as you pick it up. Akiko Sekimoto is the art director. Kyosui Terashima is the calligrapher. Shichijo Kanshundo have also updated their website to give us a sense of new beginnings. I have projected the small world of wagashi to give it a larger feel. I hope you enjoy it.

サントリー碧Ao 新CM放映開始

2023 10 04

サントリー 碧Ao 新CMを撮影しました。岡田将生さんとKing Gnu 井口理さんが碧の様々な飲み方の美味しさに驚く顔を、福本伸行さんの描く世界で劇画調に表現されています。2人の映像とそこに重なる驚きの顔のギャップ・・・いつもとは違う面白さをお楽しみください。
We filmed a new Suntory Ao commercial. Nobuyuki Fukumoto depicts a world view that dramatically expresses the delighted surprise on the faces of Masaki Okada and Satoru Iguchi from King Gnu as they enjoy different delectable ways of drinking Ao. I hope you enjoy the quirky fun, like the gap between the images of the two men and the delighted surprise on their faces overlapping those images.

Netflix ONE PIECE 公開 告知広告に携わりました

2023 08 20

2023年 Netflixで全世界に公開されます、実写ドラマ版「ONE PIECE」。尾田栄一郎さんの原作の世界観が躍動感溢れる実写でも展開されることになりました。公開の告知広告のビジュアルと映像制作に携わりました。新しくはじまる時のワクワクする気持ちや、ザワザワ揺れ動く気持ちを海の写真や波の映像に重ねて表現しています。海の色の様々な表情が、これからはじまる新しい展開を予感させます。どうぞご覧ください。
The live action-drama version of the manga series “One Piece” is due for worldwide release on Netflix in 2023. The intensely dynamic live action realizes the world imagined in the original work by Eiichiro Oda. I was involved in the video production as well as the visuals for the pre-release ads. The movie expresses the stirring, giddy feelings, and feelings of excitement you get when something new begins, through pictures of the sea and moving images of waves. Different expressions of the sea’s colors give you a sense of something new about to unfold. Please take a look.