
2016 08 16

This was filmed during the Rio Olympic Games. There are various ways to engage with the Olympics, whether it's as a place for showcasing human genesis through sports, a goal to be aspired to, or simply something to support as a fan. This piece touts the slogan of "We invented the Olympics" as it presents a sense of progress interspersed with various scenes from the past to the present.

住友生命 dear my family 2016 新CMが放映開始

2016 07 30

What is needed to support the bereaved when they lose a beloved family member ? Daily life must go on, so this is a depiction of the passage of those days that carry on even after a loss. In this particular commercial we take a look at a day in the life of a family as an older brother helps out at the rice store. The conversations give a glimpse into the day-to-day of a family undergoing these circumstances. Multiple cameras were used to create as realistic a depiction of daily life as possible.

HOT PEPPERグルメ 新CMが放映開始

2016 07 20

There's no telling when people will call in to book a table. In these two commercials. Matsuko plays the proprietress of a small diner ( reservations before opening version ) and a Thai restaurant ( reservations during peak business hours version ) who spends her days stuck taking calls during those crucial busy hours before opening for the day and when serving a full house. In the Thai restaurant version Matsuko speaks Thai while still maintaining her brand of humor. The Thai version also uses a special lense to depict a unique worldview.


2016 06 23

撮影を担当しました「世界卓球2015」テレビ東京のポスターが、6月9日第95回ニューヨークADC賞でGOLDを、6月22日にはフランスのカンヌライオンズ国際広告祭 2016でGOLD Lionを受賞しました。アートディレクターは上西祐理さん。続いてJAGDA賞 2016、ロンドンのD&AD AWARDS 2016ではイエローペンシル(金賞)を、ニューヨークのONE SHOWではシルバーペンシル(銀賞)を、いただくことが出来ました。
The poster for "World Table Tennis Championships 2015" campaign wins the Gold prize at the New York ADC 95th Annual Awards held on June 9th and Gold Lion at the Cannes Lions in France on June 22nd. The art director was Yuri Uenishi. The poster would later go on to win numerous Jagda awards at the JAGDA 2016 and Yellow Pencil at the London D&AD Professional Awards 2016 as well as a Silver Pencil award at the New York The One Show.


2016 06 10

Plus 81 Gallery New Yorkにて「MIKIYA TAKIMOTO PHOTO EXHIBITION @ NY」を開催します。瀧本幹也の90年代の作品から現在に至るまでの厳選された貴重な展示になります。 オープニングレセプションのご案内 2016年6月10日 17:00 ‐ 20:00 10日は、瀧本幹也も在廊します。 6月10日 ‐ 7月17日 / 水 ‐ 金 14:00 ‐ 18:30 / 土日 12:00 ‐ 18:00 / Plus81 Gallery 167 Elizabeth Street, New York, NY 646 - 524 - 7171
The "Mikiya Takimoto Photo Exhibition @NY" in New York. The Mikiya Takimoto Photo Exhibition will be held at the Plus81 Gallery-New York. This rare showing will feature a selection of Mikiya Takimoto's work from the 90s up to the present. Opening Reception 5-8pm, June 10th, 2016 Mikiya Takimoto will attend the opening party. June 10 – July 17, 2016 Wed to Fri 14:00 - 18:30 Sat-Sun 12:00 - 18:00 Plus 81 Gallery 167, Elizabeth Street, NYC Tel 646 - 524 - 7171