富士フイルム スクエアにて、1月15日(金)から2月18日(木)まで開催される、フジフイルム・Xシリーズ誕生5周年を記念した、写真展“ 100 X-Photographers ”に参加しています。世界各国・各ジャンルで活動する写真家100名超が撮影した作品と共に、撮りおろし作品を展示します。The FUJIFILM 100 X-Photographers group exhibition. Mikiya Takimoto took part in the "100 X-Photographers" exhibition to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the FUJIFILM X Series held from January 15 to February 18 at the FUJIFILM Square. Don't miss this chance to see Takimoto's work alongside images by over 100 photographers of all genres and nationalities.
世界一過酷と言われるドイツ・ニュルブルクリンクのコース。サーキットで痛めつけられた車体から得たデータをもとに新しい車の開発に役立てられる。そこからうまれたGRMN86の車体を構造的に捉え撮影しました。Toyota G's branding poster. The track in Nurburgring, Germany is said to be the most intense in the world. The data obtained from cars damaged there proves useful in developing new models. Mikiya Takimoto shot a structural look at the body of the GRMN86, which was born from such data.
大和ハウス工業の新CM。現役最年長プロ野球選手役の役所広司さん。役所投手の情熱を理解しつつも年齢とともに衰えてきた左腕を心配する小林薫監督。若き日の役所投手役には松坂桃李さん。その他にも数々の豪華な出演者を加え、実際のプロ野球スタジアムでも撮影されました。野球への情熱を失わない役所投手の決断した答えとは?Launch of the new "America demo" CM series for Daiwa House. A new CM for Daiwa House. Koji Yakusho plays the oldest active pro baseball player in Japan. His coach, played by Kaoru Kobayashi, understands his passion but worries about his left arm, which has weakened with age. Tori Matsuzaka plays Yakusho in his younger days as a pitcher. Many other celebrated actors rounded out the star-studded cast. The filming took place in an actual pro baseball stadium. What was Yakusho's determined message regarding his unending passion for baseball?
2015年12月11日(金)から24日(木)まで、東京ミッドタウン フジフイルムスクエア内 GALLERY X(エックス)にて、2015年にアメリカで撮りおろしされた新作「 Oatman / New York Mikiya Takimoto Photo Exhibition 」を開催。東京都港区赤坂9-7-3 10:00 - 19:00 会期中無休 The Oatman / New York Mikiya Takimoto Photo Exhibition at the FUJIFILM Gallery X. The new "Oatman / New York Mikiya Takimoto Photo Exhibition" featuring images taken in America in 2015, was held at the Tokyo Midtown Gallery X from December 11 to 24. Please take a look. December 11 to 24, 2015 Venue: FUJIFILM Tokyo Midtown HQ 1F FUJIFILM Square Gallery X Address: 9-7-3 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Hours: 10:00-19:00, no holidays