
2015 05 14

"Our Little Sister" plays at the Cannes Film Festival. "Our Little Sister" was shown at the competition category of 68th Cannes International Film Festival leading up to its nationwide release on June 13.

コマーシャルフォト 5月号に掲載されました

2015 05 01

Mikiya Takimoto appears in the May issue of Commercial Photo. The first installment of the Toyota 5 Continents Drive project appeared in the latest issue of Commercial Photo. Don't miss this special covering all the details and inside info on this project following a Toyota as it crosses Australia! There is also a conversation between the team of Takimoto in charge of photography alongside his four understudies Kenichi Higuchi, Chiyoe Sugita, Fumihito Katamura, and Shinya Sato.


2015 04 25

市橋織江さんと競作させていただきました。第8回目のGELATIN SILVER SESSIONのテーマは「撮りおろし競作」。二人の写真で構成されたフォトセッションにご期待下さい。2015年4月25日(土)~5月9日(土)11時~19時 ※最終日は18:00まで 六本木 AXIS Gallery 東京都港区六本木5-17-1 ※4月29日(水・祝)15:00から公開審査がありますが、ご入場できます ※5月5日(火・祝)はトークイベントのため16時まで 
The Gelatin Silver Session 2015 Save the Film photo exhibition. Mikiya Takimoto will pair up with Orie Ichihashi. The theme of the eighth Gelatin Silver Session is "competitive photography". Look forward to this tag team photo session. Date: April 25 to May 9, 2015 Venue: Roppongi AXIS Gallery Address: 5-17-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Hours: 11 to 19:00 *On April 29 there will be the judging from 15:00, but anyone can enter. *On May 5 close will be at 16:00 for a talk event *Until 18:00 on the final day

大塚製薬「ポカリスエット」Jump篇 新CM放映開始

2015 04 20

Queenの名曲『We Will Rock You』にのせて突き動かされたように走り出す生徒達、その先頭を走るのは中条あやみさん。街で激励されながら疾走する姿は爽快かつエネルギッシュです。名古屋市のFILMコミッション協力のもと、実際の道路を全面封鎖して撮影しています。道路の真ん中に水を噴射させる仕掛けを設置して撮影されたカットや、スモークや雨降しを現場で人工的に作って実際に撮影しています。できるだけCGや合成に頼らずに撮られた画は強いです。キャスト、スタッフの数が多い日で500人を超えるほどの大掛かりな撮影でした。メイキング映像も感動的ないい仕上がりになっていますのであわせてご覧ください。
New CM in the Pocari Sweat Jump series for Otsuka Pharmaceutical. Ayami Nakajo runs at the head of a pack of students energized by Queen's anthem "We Will Rock You". They seem refreshing and full of life as people on the street encourage them in their dash. The video was filmed on actual roads closed for the shoot with the cooperation of the Nagoya City Film Commission. It features cuts with water jets set in the middle of the street along with smoke machines and artificial rain. The scenes are all the more powerful for not relying on CG or composite imagery. On the largest day the cast and crew numbered over 500 people. The making-of featurette is also impressive, so make sure to check it out, too.

サントリーウィスキー「響」 新CM放映開始 

2015 04 18

New CM "Hibiki" for Suntory Whiskey. The Hibiki brand is the pinnacle of whiskey. In order to depict a world alive with Japanese harmony the bar and set must be very refined. The cast featured wonderful actors (Hiroki Hasegawa, Martin Freeman), but there was also great scenery outside the window to gaze at and the timeframe of sunset (it's a trade secret how we were only able to film at this time). This CM is the embodiment of the crew's particularities. The music is from Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai.