FLAME / SURFACE 瀧本幹也写真展開催のお知らせ

2017 09 29

Canon Gallery S(品川)にて、10月12日(木)から11月27日(月)まで、「FLAME / SURFACE 瀧本幹也写真展」を開催します。蒼い炎を吹き出す火山と海をテーマに撮りおろした新作、大型作品含む約40点の展示と大型スクリーンでの映像作品を新たに発表します。 東京都港区港南2-16-6 10:00-17:30 日曜・祝日 休館 入場無料。なお11月11日(土)上西祐理さん(アートディレクター)とのトークショーも行われます。16時から17時30分 先着300名 参加無料 お申し込みはから。 2011年に発表した『LAND SPACE』は、生命が誕生する遙か以前に地球の大地はこうだったのかもしれないという「LAND」と、人類最先端文明の象徴として宇宙開発を捉えた「SPACE」という、ふたつの相対するシリーズからなる。地球内部からのエネルギーの捌け口である火山の噴火口や原初の惑星の姿。対しては人工的に宇宙空間へ脱出を試みる際引き留めの力にあらがう噴射口、突入の際は抵抗する高温の力から守る耐熱パネル。それら両者の痕跡が偶然にも神秘的な相似形であることに気づいた。その後の『GRAIN OF LIGHT』では地球表面を覆い包み込む海。堪えず揺らめく悠久な時間を夢見ることとなった。今回の『FLAME/SURFACE』はその延長線上にあり発展形である。「FLAME」は天文的エネルギーの火山ガスが、赤道直下の地球内部から時間をかけ上昇してきて、地表面で着火し蒼く怪しげに発光する現象を捉えたものだ。その様子は遠く彼方の星雲にも見てとれた。「SURFACE」は惑星に存在する「水」という物質の現象として捉えてみた。視点を仮に地球の外に置き換え観察したら、先入観なしにどう見えるのだろうか。そう考えていくと海の写真の天地を限定することすら愚問に思えてきた。地球の営みが繰り返される。そのリズムに合わせシャッターを切るうちに、喩えようもなくとても永い宇宙的な時間感覚を味わった。 瀧本幹也
FLAME / SURFACE Mikiya Takimoto Photo Exhibition at the Canon Gallery S from October 12 to November 27, 2017 Venue: Canon Gallery S. Address: 2-16-6 Kounan, Minato-ku, Tokyo Hours: 10:00-17:30, On Sundays and public holidays closed and talk show November 11, 2017 Time: 16:00 to 17:30  The 2011 photograph collection, “LAND SPACE” consisted of two contrasting series; “LAND” visualized what the earth might have been like long before the birth of life, and “SPACE” captured space development as a symbol of the cutting edge of human civilization. The former showed volcanic craters, which spew energy from the depths of the earth, and the landforms of our primordial planet. In contrast, the latter showed the manmade injection port of a rocket engine, which struggles against resisting forces in an effort to escape into space, and heat-resistant panels that protect against high temperatures upon reentry. I noticed that the traces borne by both subject matters are intriguingly similar. Following the photobook, “GRAIN OF LIGHT” addressed the ocean, which envelopes the earth’s surface. In that project, I became absorbed in the continual ebb and flow of time. “FLAME/SURFACE” marks a further evolution along the path. “FLAME” portrays the phenomenon of eerie blue light that occurs when the incredible energy of volcanic gas eventually rises from the earth’s interior below the equator and ignites on the surface. This struck me as similar in appearance to a distant nebula. “SURFACE” examines the planetary phenomenon of water. How does it look without preconceptions when the viewpoint is switched to a distance from earth? Such musings have led me to believe that fixing the up and down of sea photography is merely arbitrary. The earth’s activities are cyclical. As I released the camera’s shutter along with those rhythms, I experienced a feeling I can only describe as long, cosmic time.   Mikiya Takimoto


2017 09 07

"The Third Murder" plays at the Venice International Film Festival. "The Third Murder" was shown at the competition category of 74th Venice International Film Festival leading up to its nationwide release on Sep 9.


2017 08 31

Takimoto Photographs Kubota’s Pipes for Newspaper Ad. Takimoto photographed water pipes that Kubota uses to transport water from the sea and other water sources. Nine-meter water pipes contribute to people’s daily living, but the landscape is like a desert only a short distance from town. An environment with a stable supply of water, a prime support for life, helps give the town the character of an oasis. Peering down a large pipe at a certain angle is like looking from the viewpoint of water as it flows toward town.


2017 08 10

The vision of sunflowers standing tall, facing the sun, was expressed in a live shoot of over 1,000 people standing together with Machiko Ono. The film shoot was bursting with power sensed from all those people actually coming together and rivaling the vivid colors and proud stance of sunflowers.

サントリー天然水 ポスター掲出されました

2017 08 08

サントリー「天然水」の山がある鳥取県 奥大山をメイン舞台に烏ヶ山へと撮影に行ってきました。雪が残る時期と山が青々と新緑に包まれる時期にわけての撮影となりました。奥大山一帯はかなり雪深い地域の為、3月の撮影時はかなり雪が残る環境での撮影となりました。宇多田ヒカルさんの声に呼応するような自然豊かな風景を切り取ってきました。緑豊かな山々に育まれた豊かな水。澄んだ水の流れは新緑の緑を綺麗にうつしておりました。
Suntory Unveils Tennensui Web Content. Takimoto filmed online advertisements for Suntory Food and Beverage’s Tennensui brand of mineral water at Karasugasen Mountain against the backdrop of the Okudaisen area in Tottori Prefecture. The shoot took place at the times of year when snow remains on the ground and fresh greenery abounds. The snow can be deep around Okudaisen, so a fair amount of snow remained during the shoot in March. Takimoto selected scenes of bountiful nature as if in response to Hikaru Utada’s voice. Verdant mountains nurture rich water, and the clear, flowing substance beautifully reflects the fresh greenery.