ファイブミニ 新CMが放映開始

2017 05 31

Otsuka Releases New Fibe Mini Commercial. Otsuka Pharmaceutical has released a commercial called “Fibe Before Love” for its soft drink Fibe Mini. In the commercial, directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda, Suzu Hirose turns in a lifelike performance as a young woman who has graduated from high school and now works in Tokyo. She expresses both vivacious youthfulness and the struggle of becoming an adult. Also, enjoy a nice pairing of Fibe Mini with a prominent symbol of Tokyo!

TOYOTA 5大陸走破 南米大陸 webにUPされました

2017 05 20

TOYOTA5大陸走破、第3弾!オーストラリア大陸・北米大陸と続き、3大陸目は南米大陸の走破です。走破とひとくくりにしても国が変わり土地が変わることで様々な問題と向き合い、改善につなげていくことが車の開発に繋がる。走ることで得られる様々な問題点がその後の開発に繋がる貴重な情報源となる。どんな状況でどんな症状と向き合うべきなのか、テストコースだけでは得られない情報をコツコツと集めて走る走破隊。走破隊の格闘の様子を1枚の写真から伝える事ができればと、瀧本幹也写真事務所から独立したOB・OGとともに撮影に挑みました。ウユニ、クスコ、サン・ペドロ・アタカマ、アントファガスタを瀧本幹也が、アルゼンチンのコルドバWRCコースで社長のラリー走行を、樋口兼一、佐藤新也、豊田晃佳、アルゼンチン、チリを杉田知洋江、サンパウロ、リオデジャネイロを片村文人、映像を國井重人が担当しました。GALLERYのページからLatin Americaをめぐる写真の数々をご覧いただけます。
The Toyota 5 Continents Drive - Latin America episode goes live. The third installment of the Toyota Five Continents Drive! The third continent to be conquered following Australia and North America is Latin America. Driving through new countries and new lands, the team is faced with various obstacles for which improvements are needed, leading to new ideas in automobile development. Issues uncovered by driving through differing lands are precious sources of information inspiring future development. The driving crew covers the continent while steadily gathering data regarding which indications require attention under what conditions—information that cannot be gained through test course runs. In hopes of conveying the struggles of the driving crew in a single photograph, Mikiya Takimoto took on the challenge together with the former understudies of his photograph office. Uyuni, Cusco, San Pedro de Atacama, and Antofagasta were captured by Takimoto. The president's rally run at Argentina's Córdoba WRC course was covered by Kenichi Higuchi, Shinya Sato and Teruyoshi Toyota. Argentina and Chile was shot by Chiyoe Sugita. São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were handled by Fumihito Katamura, with Shigeto Kunii documenting in motion. Visit the Gallery page to view a collection of these photos taken throughout Latin America.

大和ハウス「ここで、一緒に」もしも篇 新CMが放映開始

2017 04 20

Release of the new CM series "Koko de, Issho ni" for Daiwa House. The latest installment of the "Koko de, Issho ni" series starring Lily Franky and Eri Fukatsu. Filmed in Kobe and Osaka. Despite spending their time separately and differently, this married couple's hearts lay in the same place. Beginning with a casual "what if?" conversation, the husband's contemplated response is received with a gentle smile from his wife. Though awkward, his words show consideration towards her and leave viewers with a warm feeling in their hearts.

鎌倉映画地図 特別展開催のお知らせ

2017 03 17

自然と歴史を合わせ持つ鎌倉は数々の映画のロケ地となってきました。 映画の撮影を担当した是枝裕和監督作品「 海街diary 」の舞台でもあります。今回の特別展では鎌倉を舞台にした様々な映画と、鎌倉との関係を地図にして巡り、ゆかりの関連作品も上映される構成になっております。その中で「 海街diary 」関連の展示コーナーが作られております。映画撮影の傍ら、撮りためた数々の写真と共に、上映と合わせて出版されました写真集「 海街diary 」に収められた作品の中から鎌倉にちなんだ作品と四季を感じる作品を厳選し展示します。 3月17日 - 7月2日 / 火 - 日 9:00 - 17:00(入場16:30まで) 月曜休館(祝日の場合は開館、翌平日が休館日)/ 鎌倉市川喜多映画記念館, 鎌倉市雪ノ下2-2-12, Tel 0467-23-2500 / 一般¥300, 小中学生以下¥150
Kamakura that is a place with both nature and history has been used as a filming location for numerous movies. It was also the place where Mikiya Takimoto filmed the movie Umimachi Diary ("Our Little Sister") directed by Hirokazu Koreeda. In this special exhibition, various movies filmed in Kamakura and their connection with the city are shown on a map. You can also watch the related film works. This exhibition also has an area for Umimachi Diary. This area displays many photographs taken on the side while filming the movie as well as works based on Kamakura or with a seasonal tone carefully selected from among those found on the pages of the Umimachi Diary photo collection published when the movie came out. March 17 to July 2; Tuesday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (doors close at 4:30 p.m.); Closed Monday (open on public holidays and closed the following weekday); Kamakura City Kawakita Film Museum; 2-2-12 Yukinoshita, Kamakura; Tel: 0467-23-2500; general: 300 yen, junior high or younger: 150 yen