Miss Bean #私が撮りたかった女優展 Vol.4 に参加

2022 06 16

弊社マネージメントのMiss Beanが、『#私が撮りたかった女優展 Vol.4』のグループ展に参加します。5名のフォトグラファーが5名の女優さんをこの展示のためだけに撮り下ろした写真展。Miss Beanは念願だった三吉彩花さんを日本にて撮影しました。テーマは「A Room of One’s Own」 三吉さんの様々な表情を、Miss Bean独自の視点で切り取り作品へと導いております。日本での展示は初めてとなります。是非この機会にご覧ください。 2022年8月11日(木)〜 17日(水)OMOTESANDO MUSEUM.  東京都港区南青山3丁目18-19フェスタ表参道ビル新館2階 10:00〜20:00(初日はイベントのため18:00迄) 会期中無休 入場料800円
Miss Bean, from Mikiya Takimoto Photograph Office, is exhibiting in a group exhibition, “#Watashi ga Toritakkata Joyu Ten Vol. 4” (“#An Actress I Have Wanted to Photograph Exhibition Vol. 4”). It features photos of 5 actresses shot just for this exhibition by 5 photographers. Miss Bean photographed the actress she had hoped for, Ayaka Miyoshi, in Japan. Under the theme “A Room of One’s Own,” she develops Miyoshi’s varied expressions into cut-out works from her unique perspective. This is the first time it is being exhibited in Japan. I really hope you take this opportunity and go and see it. August 11, 2022 (Thu) to 17 (Wed) OMOTESANDO MUSEUM. 2F Shinkan, Festae Omotesando Building, 3-18-19 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo. 10:00-20:00 (Closes 18:00 on August 11 for event). Open throughout the season. Entry: 800 yen

Sansan 新CM放映開始

2022 06 15

TV CMのSansan 変化にやられた篇を撮影しました。Sansanシリーズの松重豊さん、野間口徹さん、お二人で作り上げてこられた独特の空気感に、いつもくすりと笑ってしまいます。上司と部下なのに、なぜが緊張感があるような無いような、同志のような連帯感もあり、温かい空気を感じます。名刺をめぐるお話しの展開をどうぞお楽しみください。
We shot the Sansan TV commercial "I Messed Up With the Changes." In this Sansan series, Yutaka Matsushige and Toru Nomaguchi have together been creating a distinctive mood that always make me chuckle. Even though they are just senior and junior employees, for some reason there seems to be both a sense of tension between them, but also none. There’s a sense of solidarity between them, and that gives me a warm feeling. I hope you enjoy the way the conversation develops around the business card.

サントリー天然水 新CM放映開始

2022 06 05

The Suntory Tennensui Tsuchi to Mizu to Hito to (“Earth, Water, and People”) commercial has been released. Shizuka Ishibashi swings a hoe, sweating, her nice smile, the invigorating scenery, and the slogan “Shinjirareru mizu no yama kara” (“From the water mountain you can rely on”) fitting perfectly with the background mountain scenery. We shot the river with snow melt in February, still bitterly cold. Spring was approaching, the snow gradually starting to melt, whispering to us the life force, a sense of transparency, filtered by a great mountain. This video evokes a sense of the water of life. Please take a look.


2022 05 30

GREEN JUKEBOX 恋篇・新緑のグリーンラベル篇を撮影しました。広瀬アリスさんとあいみょんさん、何度か共演されているお二人の息の合ったやり取りはいつも微笑ましく笑みがこぼれます。今回は小さな島での撮影になりました。薄いヴェールのような布が風を視覚的に見せてくれます。爽やかな清々しい空と海と緑の世界をどうぞご覧ください。
We shot the GREEN JUKEBOX Koi (“Love”) and Shinroku (“Spring Greenery”) GREEN LABEL commercials. Having appeared together many times, Alice Hirose and Aimyon work well together as a pair creating interplay that brings a heartwarming smile to my face. The location for this commercial was a tiny island. The thin veil-like cloth allows our eyes to sense the wind. You’ll see fresh invigorating sky and sea, and a world of greenery. Please take a look.

NTT東日本 新CMが放映開始

2022 04 25

NTT東日本「NTTアートテクノロジー」篇 撮影しました。葛飾北斎が大好きな女の子の願いは、どうしても観てみたい遠い地にある鳳凰図。地域からミライをつくる、地方創生・地域活性化に取り組むNTT東日本が進めるデジタルミュージアムにより身近になるアートの世界。どうぞご覧ください。
I filmed the NTT East “NTT Art Technology” commercial. A girl who loves Katsushika Hokusai and the painting of a phoenix in a far-off temple she longs to see. NTT East is bringing the world of art to people’s fingertips with its digital museum initiatives, engaging in local and regional revitalization, creating the future from local roots. Please take a look.