ポカリスエット グラフィック撮影と、新CM「青が舞う篇」撮影しました。椿さんと池端杏慈さん、10代の学生の等身大の姿を、ポカリスエットの爽やかでパワフルな世界観、また体の中から潤っていく見せ方を、青が舞う紙吹雪や光のフレアで視覚的に見せることでよりわかりやすく表現し、また目の錯覚のような違和感を残す工夫をしました。飛内将大さん作詞作曲の主題歌「青が舞う」を歌う北谷琉喜さんも10代。内部から発光するような10代のエネルギッシュなパワーと周囲も巻き込むような力を感じる映像となりました。映像の世界観と同様、写真からもエネルギーを感じられるビジュアルと、ポカリスエットのブルーが活かされた1枚1枚の不思議な世界観をどうぞご覧ください。Takimoto has shot the new Pocari Sweat graphics and commercial episode “Ao ga Mau” (“Fluttering Blue”). He makes the message readily comprehensible by showing in very visual terms—light flares and the Ao-ga-Mau fluttering blue confetti—Tsubaki and Anji Ikehata, the picture of real, life-sized teenage students, this refreshing and intense Pocari Sweat universe, portraying the hydration coming from inside their bodies. He also designs it to leave a sense of things being out of place, like an optical illusion. Ryuki Kitadani sings Ao ga Mau, the theme song composed and written by Masahiro Tobinai. Both are also teenagers. The video gives you a sense of the energy-packed teenage intensity that seems to shine out from inside them and a strength that appears to swallow up their surroundings. Please take a look at the amazing universe presented in each single still image, images that feature the Pocari Sweat blue, and the visuals in the form of still photos that give you a sense of energy, like the universe presented in the video.
瀧本幹也写真事務所 所属のMiss Beanが、昨年8月に参加しました『#私が撮りたかった女優展 Vol.4』、2019年から東京で4回に渡って開催されてきた女優展が福岡PARCOに巡回することになりました。東京で展示された作品に加え、新たにセレクトした作品も展示されます。東京での展示とはまた違う形での巡回展になっています。是非この機会に会場へ足を運んでいただけたらと思います。2023年4月28日(金)~ 5月14日(日)福岡PARCO 本館5F PARCO FACTORY 10:00~20:30(最終入場20時まで ※最終日は18時閉場)入場料大人500円 ※小学生以下無料
In August last year, Miss Bean from Mikiya Takimoto Photograph Office exhibited in “#Watashi ga Toritakkata Joyu Ten Vol. 4” (“#An Actress I Have Wanted to Photograph Exhibition Vol. 4”). After showing 4 times in Tokyo since 2019, these photos of actresses will be on display at Fukuoka Parco. The exhibition includes a fresh selection of works in addition to the works shown in Tokyo. It has morphed into a touring exhibition unlike the ones in Tokyo. We really hope you take this opportunity to go and see the works. April 28 (Fri) to May 14 (Sun) 2023, Parco Factory, 5F Fukuoka Parco Main Building. 10:00 - 20:30 (Last admission 20:00. Venue closes at 18:00 on last day.) Admission: 500 yen for adults. Free for children up to elementary school age.
瀧本幹也の写真との関わり方を幼少期から現在にいたるまで、自身のことばで語る書籍が完成いたしました。独立以来、携わってきたお仕事の中からターニングポイントになる撮影、またその途中で迷い、悩みながら尚も答えを探し続ける姿勢、1枚の写真にこめた想いや、撮影にまつわるエピソードも交え紹介させていただきました。写真家 瀧本幹也の想いが詰まった1冊が出来上がりました。「写真前夜」デザイン:山田知子 編集:善積幸子(玄光社) 玄光社より発行 価格 2,500+税Takimoto has completed a book in which he discusses in his own words his involvement with photography, from early childhood to the present. The book presents photos from among the jobs he has been involved in since going solo that have been turning points for him, it presents him encountering uncertainties along the way, but pursuing answers despite the problems, the sense imbued in each still image, along with anecdotes around photography. This book is now complete, filled with the thoughts and sentiments of photographer Mikiya Takimoto. “Shashin Zenya” (“Photography Eve”): Designed by Tomoko Yamada. Edited by Sachiko Yoshizumi (Genkosha Co., Ltd.). Published by Genkosha Co., Ltd. Price: 2,500 yen + Tax
西島秀俊さんを春に向かう気持のいい空を背景に撮影しました。「何をつなぐと、心がつながるのだろう。」ここ数年で経験してきたコロナの影響により、人との関わり方も今までと変化してきている中で、ダイワハウスが投げかけるメッセージは、どう向き合っていくのか、人や自然との繋がり方を考えるきっかけにもなります。Takimoto photographed Hidetoshi Nishijima against this background of a pleasant blue sky, with spring in the air. “Nani wo tsunagu to, kokoro ga tsunagaru no daro. ” (“What should we connect for our hearts to connect.”)The pandemic we have all gone through these last few years has changed the way we interact, and the message Daiwa House is putting out there about that sparks thoughts about how we go on facing up to it and how we connect with other people and nature.
ジョージア 毎日って、けっこうドラマだ。篇撮影しました。「コーヒーを飲んで、ふと思った。普通の一日なんて、きっとない。」さまざまな人々が日々の何気ない日常の中で出会うかけがえのない瞬間。コーヒーを飲んでいる時も、様々なドラマがあり、気づくことによって前向きにも感じられ、日々に彩りが添えられてゆく。米津玄師さんの曲と共に、どうぞご覧ください。Takimoto shot the Georgia Coffee episode “Mainichi-tte, kekko drama da” (“Every day means plenty of dramas”). “I was having a coffee and it suddenly occurred to me. There’s definitely no such thing as a normal day. ”The irreplaceable moments that various people casually encounter in their everyday lives. While you’re having your coffee, all sorts of dramas are going on, and you will feel positive, or a touch of color will come to your everyday life, depending on what you notice. Please enjoy watching this commercial along with the song by Kenshi Yonezu.